Graduate Students

In order to be eligible for a student visa (F-1 visa), 国际胜博发体育app必须完全被全日制和实地学习的课程录取. 以下项目适用于未来的F-1签证胜博发体育app.

    • Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy


  1. US equivalent of a 3.0 undergraduate grade point average (GPA).
  2. English Language Proficiency - Students must meet one of the following:
    • 托福(英语作为外语考试)成绩86分(网络考试). Hope's school code is 4614 or
    • IELTS (International English Language Testing System) 6.5 overall score band, with 6.0 minimum sub-score
  3. Financial Statement -胜博发体育app必须能够证明他们有经济能力来支持他们在美国的逗留.S. An Affidavit of Financial Support 以及当前的银行对账单或银行的官方信件,核实财务支持宣誓书上所述的最低余额.

如果你符合这些要求,并且有兴趣申请霍普国际大学, 请填写以下文件,开始申请程序:

  1. Application for Admission
  2. 直接从本科学院或大学发送的正式成绩单
  3. TOEFL or IELTS score
  4. SEVIS Application Form (适用于没有有效SEVIS记录的首次F-1签证胜博发体育app)或 Transfer Request Form (适用于目前持有F-1签证并在美国其他国家有SEVIS记录的转胜博发体育app).S. institution)
  5. 一页(至少250字)的短文,描述你为什么想在霍普国际大学学习. Please send it to [email protected]
  6. Affidavit of Financial Support

所有的外国成绩单必须根据美国的评分制度送到一个机构进行评估. 我们推荐以下五种国际学历评估服务: World Education ServicesAmerican Education Research CorporationGlobal Services AssociatesInternational Educational Research Foundation, and Academic Credentials Evaluation Institute. Fees for transcript evaluation will be paid by the student.

国际胜博发体育app可能有资格获得部门援助或奖学金. 这些奖项不包括项目的全部费用,必须完全录取才能被考虑.

希望国际大学的政策是所有国际胜博发体育app支付全部学费, room, 第一学期入学前的伙食费和费用.

Hope保留在签发I-20文件之前要求一整个学年的学费的权利. At a minimum, 为了获得I-20,必须支付550美元的初始保证金 . Please contact [email protected] for instructions on paying your deposit. 这笔预付款将保留在胜博发体育app的账户上,直到胜博发体育app到达霍普大学,并将用于第一学期的学费, room, board and fees. This deposit is non-refundable.

胜博发体育app到达校园时,他或她将被要求 pay the remaining balance for the current semester of tuition, room, board, and fees prior to enrollment for classes. 在第一学期内完成规定的押金和付款, international students are to pay tuition, room, 在以后的每一个学期中,所有的住宿费和费用都要付清,以便办理注册手续.

After you have been accepted to Hope and made your deposit . . .

  1. You will receive your I-20 (for F-1 students)
    • 指定学校官员(DSO)将向您发送一份称为I-20表格非移民(F-1)胜博发体育app身份资格证书(简称I-20)的文件!)在你被录取并存入存款之前,我们不能给你寄I-20表. Hope International University is required by U.S. Federal law to determine through written application that you, the student, are qualified academically, linguistically, 以及在大学攻读学术课程的资金.
    • 请在你被录取并存入存款后的3周内收到你的I-20 .
  2. Apply for the F-1 visa. Complete the Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS-160)
    • 在收到I-20/DS-2019之前不预约面试! 虽然I-20/DS-2019可能会在存款后一周内到达您手中, there may be delays in mail service. If you need to overnight or rush your I-20/DS-2019, 希望保留要求胜博发体育app补交费用的权利.
    • 如果你想知道你需要多长时间才能预约到美国领事馆.S. Consulate or Embassy, see Visa Wait Times website.
  3. 当你收到你的I-20后,与移民局预约面谈 U.S. Consulate or Embassy in your area.
    • 在收到I-20之前不预约面试吗 ! 虽然I-20可能会在你的存款一周内到达你那里,但邮寄服务可能会有延迟. If you need to overnight or rush your I-20 , 希望保留要求胜博发体育app补交费用的权利.
    • 如果你想知道你需要多长时间才能预约到美国领事馆.S. Consulate or Embassy, see Visa Appointment Wait Times.
  4. Pay the I-901 fee online. 一定要保留付款收据,以便在面试时携带!
  5. 收集所有必要的文件,带着去面试.
    • Form I-20 (be sure to sign on page 1)
    • 非移民签证申请,表格DS-160,确认页
    • Receipt for visa application fee
    • Receipt for I-901 fee
    • 照片-您将在填写在线DS-160表格时上传您的照片. 如果照片上传失败,您必须携带一张规定格式的打印照片.
    • Valid Passport for travel to the United States
    • 经济支持的证明文件(如赞助商或学校奖学金信)
    • Certified, original bank statement or statement of income
    • Acceptance letter from Hope International University
    • TOEFL or IELTS score report
    • 任何证明你在美国完成学业后将回国的信息.S. 这可能包括财产、家庭或与社区的其他联系的证明.
  6. Relax, and get ready for a great interview! Be ready to answer all questions honestly and thoroughly, including what you will be studying in the U.S. and how you will pay for your studies. If you are granted a visa, 保留上述所有文件和签证,以便在进入美国时出示.
  7. Contact the International Student Programs Office at [email protected] to let us know the result of your visa interview! Please also let us know your travel arrangements, 你什么时候到霍普,是否需要我们去机场接你. 如果您想让我们在机场接您,请发电子邮件给 ISP Office the name of your airline, your flight number, and arrival date and time at least two weeks in advance. 您最早可以在I-20上的项目开始日期前30天到达美国.
  8. When you arrive at Hope, please contact the ISP office to make an appointment with your DSO for SEVIS registration.

Tips for Receiving a Student Visa to the United States (printable PDF document).

Visa Tips and Resources (printable PDF document)

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